Categories: Spettacoli

Taylor Swift, Look What You Made Me Do: record per il nuovo singolo

A tre anni dal fortunatissimo ‘1989’, Taylor Swift torna alla ribalta con un nuovo singolo da record intitolato ‘Look what you made me do’, primo estratto dell’album ‘Reputation’ che vedrà la luce solamente il prossimo 10 novembre 2017. Il brano pop in perfetto stile Taylor Swift è stato presentato in anteprima agli Mtv Vma 2017 ed uscito sulle piattaforme online il 25 agosto raggiungendo un risultato pari a 27 milioni di ascolti in sole 24 ore. Un record, per la giovane cantante statunitense!

Fortemente biografico, il brano da record ‘Look what you made me do’ di Taylor Swift non nasconde riferimenti ed allusioni a discordie passate avute con il rapper Kanye West, sua moglie Kim Kardashian e, probabilmente, con l’ex migliore amica Katy Perry. Ha preso il sopravvento una nuova identità e il singolo parla chiaro: ‘Mi dispiace, la vecchia Taylor non può rispondere al telefono. Perché? Perché è morta’.

Leggi anche: Grammy Awards 2016, i vincitori: Taylor Swift fa tris, Lady Gaga omaggia David Bowie

Taylor Swift, ‘Look what you made me do’: il significato del singolo

Chiaro il significato dell’ultimo singolo di Taylor Swift, tornata nel mercato discografico e sui social più forte che mai, quasi come se volesse rivendicare sé stessa nei confronti della stampa e degli incessanti ‘attacchi’ che hanno contraddistinto e ostacolato la sua carriera artistica degli ultimi anni.
Il video ufficiale, uscito su YouTube il 27 agosto, e le parole del testo sottolineano il chiaro cambiamento di identità: ‘Sono diventata più intelligente, sono diventata più forte nel momento opportuno’. E’ così che si definisce la nuova Taylor.

Leggi anche: MTV Video Music Awards 2015, vincitori: Taylor Swift trionfa con quattro premi

Il testo di ‘Look what you made me do’

Di seguito, il testo del brano ‘Look what you made me do’ di Taylor Swift, primo singolo dell’album ‘Reputation’.

I don’t like your little games
Don’t like your tilted stage
The role you made me play
Of the fool, no, I don’t like you
I don’t like your perfect crime

How you laugh when you lie
You said the gun was mine
Isn’t cool, no, I don’t like you (oh!)

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do

I don’t like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You ask me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)
The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
And then the world moves on, but one thing’s for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you’ll all get yours

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!

Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do

I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams

I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
(Look what you made me do)
(Look what you made me do)
‘I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now.’
‘Oh, cause she’s dead! (ohh!)

Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do

Giorgia Piombo

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